❗ IMPORTANT: you must have at least Shopware 5.6.6 version.
All the versions older than 5.6.6 are not supported and we suggest you upgrading to at least version 5.7
Configuring the integration
💡 Please make sure to download the ZIP-File below (Plugin). The person conducting the integration has to have access to the charles universe and has to be logged in
In Shopware 5:
Log into your Shopware 5 backend (e.g: https://my-shop.com/backend). Go to Configurations → Plugin Manager:
2. In the Installed section, upload the plugin you downloaded from above 👆
3. After the upload is done, the plugin will be under Uninstalled as shown below:
4. Select the green + next to the HelloCharles extension to install the plugin:
5. A modal with the plugin details will pop up. Select Activate → Connect to universe:
6. Once done, a pop up will appear. Select Install:
7. Choose your charles instance to continue with the integration:
8. You’ll be redirected back to the Shopware backend. Check that the instance is correct by selecting on Show Settings
Do you see a Not Found error? Click here ⬅️
Do you see a Not Found error? Click here ⬅️
In the install flow, the last step fails for some clients. This is doe to the universe URL being embedded in the redirect url. For some Hosters it seems to be an issue, resulting in the success page not being found. (404 error). This affected for example, Bleibwacker or Global Extend.
this is also fixed, however it requires a change on our API, thus this will only be available with the next deployment,
In the meantime installing Shopware 5 will need some manual work:
When you get and 404 / Not found error:
Check the URL in the Browser it will look like this:
Note at the end, its says
/universe/<the encoded universe url>
Please remove everything behind
and replace it with just the universe name from the universes url. (The part in front of.[hello-charles.com](<http://hello-charles.com/>)
so the result should look like: https://client.com/backend/charles/setup/key/66b03b9a-ce3a-42f4-90d9-38030d8852b5/universe/client
go back to the Shopware 5 admin panel and open the charles plugin settings again. In the Configuration form you should see the universe name now, eg. “client”
https:// a
nd .hello-charles.com again, so that the url would be https://client.hello-charles.com again in our examplesave - all should be good.
When there is no error:
validate universe url in the Shopware 5 plugin settings, as it might be weirdly encoded, if so, please copy the universe URL from the agent ui (https://client.hello-charles.com)
9. You should see Charles Key and Charles Universe
These fields should be filled automatically during the connection process and don’t need to be filled in manually.
10. Go to Settings → Integrations → Connected apps. You should now see Shopware 5
11. Select the ⚙️ to open settings. A pop-up will appear:
12. Click on
a. Fetch product categories
Important: This has to be done before synching products in order to correctly show up in the UI
b. Wait about 5 minutes and then click on Sync products
The product import will now require some time to finish (approx 2-3s / product) depending on the clients server speed and size of catalogue
After all products have synced, all agents must log out and in again.
c. Sync orders
This will import all historical orders from the store
We will also create contacts in the process so if there’s a phone number in the order you can get a better overview of all your customers’ purchase history.
Please note that the import could take up to a few days to complete depending on the number of orders
Can I add a chat-in button on the product page (PDP button) in ShopWare 5?
Can I add a chat-in button on the product page (PDP button) in ShopWare 5?
Technically, yes. However, it would need to be done as a custom solution. There is no easy one-click solution, due to the nature of Shopware and its themes. Ideally, the person who setup/runs the shop from a technical point of view (e.g., an internal developer) would do this. We could provide a generic guide that any web/Shopware developer would understand, but it will require adjustments to fit the theme, development/deployment processes, and the client's use case.