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The charles Zendesk integration seamlessly integrates into your existing customer support processes. It lets you automatically open tickets on Zendesk via charles, and enables your agents to respond from Zendesk via WhatsApp.


  1. Create Zendesk ticket node The Create Zendesk Ticket node can be added at any point in a flow. Once your customers reach that step of the flow, charles will open a Zendesk ticket. On the node you have the following configuration options:

    • Ticket subject Each Zendesk ticket is created with a subject line. If you want to create rules or filters based on the subject line, here is the place to define it as you like

      Note that every ticket is also created with a charles tag. You can also use this to filter tickets and create rules.

    • Number of messages this setting lets you define how many of the last messages with that customers should be attached to the ticket when creating it. Add up to 20 to give your agents enough context to close the ticket as fast as possible

2. Ticket status check The check of the ticket status in the condition node lets you filter out people that currently have an open Zendesk ticket. We recommend not to send campaigns and other marketing content to customers who have an open service request as this most likely will decrease customer satisfaction.

3. Bi-directional communication between charles and Zendesk With the integration you can easily use the familiar Zendesk interface to chat with your customers on WhatsApp. Simply type your message and hit Send, it’s that easy. All photos and videos from your customers will also be added to the ticket and your agents can also respond with attachments of any sort, e.g. photos, videos, or PDFs.


Note that to install the Zendesk integration on charles, you need to be the Account Administrator of the Zendesk instance. Please also pay close attention to what needs to be copied from where to avoid mistakes. Take your time πŸ™‚

Connecting Zendesk and charles

To install the Zendesk integration on a charles instance, please follow the following steps:

  1. Generate charles API Key

    In charles, navigate to Settings > API Keys.

    Next, click on Generate API Key in the top right corner, enter a name, e.g. Zendesk and description and click Save and close the dialogue

    Next, open the newly created API key from the table, click Show and copy the displayed API Key

  2. Connect charles and Zendesk

    In charles, navigate to Settings > Integrations and click on the Marketplace tab

    Click on the Zendesk card, click Configure and on then on Next

    Now, you need to enter the credentials both for Zendesk and charles.

    Copy the charles instance URL (https://<domain> and paste it into the field Universe Host. Next, paste the copied charles API key into the corresponding field.

    Now, copy the following link, replacing <instance_name> with your Zendesk instance name.


Note that for this step, you need to be the Account Administrator of your Zendesk instance.

Click create new client and enter a name for the OAuth client, e.g.

charles_<your_brand_name> , enter an optional description and copy and paste the following link in the last input field redirect URL

Under Client kind, select confidential

Next, hit Finish and enter the Unique Identifier of the OAuth client in the charles configuration under Client ID.

Copy and paste the generated secret from Zendesk and paste it into the respective field on charles.

Finally, hit Connect.

Congrats! πŸŽ‰ You just successfully connected the charles Zendesk integration.

For more info on how to create a Zendesk auth client, please follow the Zendesk guide: Using-OAuth-authentication-with-your-application​

Installing the charles Zendesk App

On Zendesk, please navigate to Apps, go to the marketplace and search for charles or go to

Click install and select the environment you want to install it on.

Next, find the subdomain of your charles instance in the URL of your browser (my-company if the URL is and replace the text in the first input field.

Finally, copy the charles API key you generated earlier, paste it into the respective field and hit Install.

Tada! You have successfully installed the charles Zendesk app and can start using charles in your customer service team πŸ’›

Setting up your Zendesk Flow(s)

Depending on your ideal set up, you might want to forward every incoming message to Zendesk or you only want to open tickets in specific scenarios. If the former is the case, please create a new flow.

Next, right-click on the canvas and select Create Zendesk Ticket from the menu. Connect the trigger to the node and publish the flow.

Finally, go to


and select the flow you just created from the drop down on the right.

With this setup using the Catch-all trigger, every incoming message will open a new Zendesk ticket and for customers who already have an open ticket, the message will be appended to the ticket.

In case you only want to open tickets in specific instances, add the Create Zendesk ticket node in the flows where you want to create the tickets.

Using the condition node

If you want to avoid sending customers promotional content while they have an open service ticket, you can use our condition node to filter these people out. Simply add a condition node to the canvas and select properties from the drop-down menu.

Replying via Zendesk

You can use the native Zendesk text editor to reply to tickets. Sending attachments is also supported. In order to send templates, please open the Zendesk app from the right sidebar.

Here, you can search for the template name and send it by clicking on the button below the search field.

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