You always need to have content in the main text field. Header/footer is optional
Format body text with:
Header (optional) is always bold
Footer (optional) is grey
Text variables
Personalize the message for each recipient with WhatsApp variables like preferred name, first name or last name
Use Custom properties (like favourite pet or other preferences) as variables too
CTA button
You can’t use emojis in buttons.
UTM parameters are added to any link automatically
All links are then shortened and displayed to users comparable to this *https://chls.to/mBh6hF34*
Coupon code
When tapped, the button copies the code to the customer’s clipboard. Use it in combination with a CTA button to make it easier to shop
The coupon code is restricted to 15 characters
For coupon codes longer than 15 characters, add it to the body of the message or create a special UTM link for the button
Make sure you add the coupon code to “Track revenue using coupon code” and the button to correctly attribute the revenue in analytics.
Reply buttons
Add up-to 3 quick reply buttons
You can use emojis
Use a reply button to trigger a Journeys flow by adding it as the keyword trigger
Max. 5MB
1330 X 748 pixels is the magic formula for the image not being cut off
Max. 16MB
Consider adding a video snippet to the message and linking to the full video via CTA button
Max. 100MB
Audio (e.g. voice note)
Want to send a voice note? Record yourself and save it as an audio file
Max. 16MB