Revenue metrics
Conversion rate: percentage of people who received your campaign that bought something
Revenue: total generated revenue
Revenue/recipient: revenue generated per recipient
Typie is showing you the revenue per our attribution model. See more: 💸Understanding charles’ revenue attribution
Opening rate: Read campaign / Delivered campaign x 100
Click-through rate: Clicked the CTA button / Read campaign x 100
Opt-out rate: Number of people opted out after receiving the campaign / delivered campaign x 100
Campaign engagement
Campaign engagement rate: Read campaign / all contacts in the audience x 100
All: total contacts in your audience
Accepted: verified WhatsApp contacts the audience was sent too
Delivered: contacts the message was delivered to
Read: contacts who opened the message
Unique clicks: unique clicks on the CTA button
Always-on campaigns
To check how your recurring campaign is performing;
In the Campaign dashboard, go to the Recurring tab and select the campaign:
Here you can check the engagement metrics, as well as the generated revenue: