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Understanding charles’ revenue attribution
Understanding charles’ revenue attribution

Learn about charles’ revenue attribution model to understand how we attribute revenue within the platform.

Updated over a week ago

Our 🆕 Revenue Dashboard displays the charles attribution model with the total revenue for campaigns and flows from 16 November 2023 onwards. Campaign-specific revenue is available in Campaigns and flow-specific data is available in Journeys.

Our attribution model relies on the number of contacts stitched between charles and the integrated shop system.

Want some tips on increasing your stitched contacts? See here: 🔃Increasing your synced subscribers

Why is it important?

Revenue attribution helps you identify which message or strategy was most successful. This means you can measure things like Revenue Per Conversation (RPC) to understand the impact of your WhatsApp channel.

How does charles assign revenue attribution?

We adhere to the last-touch attribution model.

This means we attribute revenue based on the last action a contact does before placing an order within a specified attribution window.

Attribution window

The attribution window refers to the specific timeframe which we consider when attributing revenue to a specific campaign or flow. The window is set to 5 days as default. But, we understand that it can vary depending on your industry so we make this configurable via Settings.

The timezone of the attribution window is based on the timezone of your account (also configured via Settings).

To adjust the attribution window, go to Settings → Configurations → Attribution window configuration.

Coupon codes

You can choose to enrich the attribution model with coupon codes. This means that, if the contact isn't stitched, the coupon code added in the campaign will be used to attribute the revenue.The option is toggled on by default. To update the settings go to Settings -> Configurations -> Attribution window configuration.

Tracked events

Campaigns & Journeys

When a contact reads a message

When a contact clicks on a quick reply button

When a contact clicks on a CTA button

We can attribute revenue based on these events because they’re linked to either a campaign or Journeys’ flow.

Each of the events use the same attribution window.

How it works


In our March Product Release webinar, Grace explained how the revenue attribution model worked:

  1. The customer places an order

  2. We check if the contact is stitched from the shop to charles

    1. If the contact is stitched we check the history of all ‣ within the attribution window

    2. If the contact is not stitched we attribute the revenue based on the coupon code included in the campaign (coupon code attribution isn’t available in Journeys)

If the contact is not stitched and there’s no coupon code for the campaign, the revenue isn’t attributed

3. We identify the last event within the attribution window

4. The revenue is then attributed to the flow or campaign where the last event took place

⚠️ Important:

  • If the contact is stitched days later, we run the attribution process again and the revenue is attributed via this model. It doesn’t add any duplications in our calculations.

How it works (example)

Let’s look at an example to help us understand it a little more:

Wolfgang receives a campaign for an end-of-year sale (Campaign 1). Interested, he opens the WhatsApp message. 3 days later, he receives another WhatsApp campaign (Campaign 2) telling him it’s his last chance to buy. Wolfgang clicks the CTA button of Campaign 2 and places an order.

Here’s how we attribute the revenue from his purchase (the attribution window is set to 5 days):

  1. Wolfgang places an order

  2. We check that his contact is stitched from the shop to charles

    1. Good news: it’s stitched 🎉 so we now check the history of all tracked events within the last 5 days

  3. We identify the last event was Wolfgang clicking the CTA button of the second campaign 1 day ago

  4. We attribute the revenue generated from Wolfgang’s order to Campaign 2

charles revenue attribution in analytics reports

You’ll see our revenue attribution in action in a few different places.

The revenue dashboard will include;

  • Total attributed revenue

  • Total revenue Journeys

  • Total revenue Campaigns

  • Revenue per Conversation (RPC)




Stiched contact

When a contact is stiched between charles and the integrated shop.

Stitched rate

The percentage of contacts successfully stitched between charles and the integrated shop

Attribution window

The attribution window refers to the specific timeframe which we consider when attributing revenue to a specific campaign or flow.

Last-touch model

A revenue attribution model that assigns revenue based on the last action a contact does before placing an order within a specified attribution window.




Helpful links


Why is my revenue per conversation (RPC) super high one day, but the average is around 1€? Why have I made revenue on this day with 0 conversations?

Revenue per conversation is a lagging metric because the conversation and purchase can happen on different days. For example, you send a marketing campaign on Monday but your customer doesn’t purchase anything until Tuesday. In this case, the RPC on Tuesday will be higher.

Calculation of the daily RPC is : Daily revenue / Daily number of marketing and utility conversation

Revenue attribution

Why can’t I see my revenue data?

For us to display the revenue dashboard, we need at least €1000 of generated revenue in the last 30 days.

Revenue attribution

Why don’t I see any trend in my chart?

If we have no historical data for both options in the comparison date picker, we cannot display any trend on the metrics cards.

Revenue attribution

What kind of revenue is displayed in the platform? Gross/net? After discount?

The platform always displays gross revenue after discount.

Revenue attribution

What happened to the revenue data before November 16, 2023? What about to my campaigns before November 16, 2023?

Before the November 16, we didn’t have the information we needed to accurately track revenue so we can’t display revenue data from our new model prior to November 16.

All campaigns published before November 16 will display revenue data from Google Analytics (or coupon code if available).

Revenue attribution

I sent out a large campaign but see no revenue attributed to the campaign. How come?

It could possibly be because; - Synced subscribers rate = 0 - No shop integration - No orders coming in (check webhooks)

Revenue attribution

Can an order be attributed to a flow and a campaign?

An order can only be attributed to a campaign OR a flow (for now)

Revenue attribution

I did not send out a campaign recently but still see revenue attributed to campaigns. How come?

People may be using a coupon code that was shared in this campaign to place an order.

However, campaigns stop receiving attribution 30 days after their publication.

Revenue attribution

What happens if I use the same coupon code in different campaigns? What happens if I use the same coupon code in a campaign and a flow?

When the same coupon code is used in multiple campaigns, only the last one published will receive attribution from this coupon code If the same coupon code is used in a campaign and a flow, as of today, both receive the attribution (because of the new logic vs old attribution logic)

Revenue attribution

How do I know the rate of synced subscriber rate of my universe?

Check the synced subscriber block on the Home screen.

Revenue attribution

I changed the attribution window in the settings, will the previous attribution data be updated?

Previous/historical attribution data won’t be updated after a change in the attribution settings, only the future attribution will use the updated settings.

A history table is available in the settings page helps to understand previous attribution.

Revenue attribution

I don’t have Shopify/Shopware/Woocommerce integrated, can I still get revenue attributed?

Unfortunately not at the moment as we rely on orders sent by these integrations.

Revenue attribution

Why is the attributed revenue so low?

If you subscriber base has a low syncing rate between charles and the integrated shop system, it’s hard for us to attribute revenue because we can do so only for synced contacts

Revenue attribution

When should I activate the coupon code in attribution setting?

When the syncing rate is low, we advise to use the coupon code to enrich the data and have a more accurate revenue attribution.

Revenue attribution

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