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Newsletter Pop-Up
Updated over a week ago

Welcome pop-ups can be easily created through charles. For all other pop-up types you need to use another pop-up provider (description below)

Welcome pop-up with charles

The Newsletter pop-up is a modal that pops up after a specified number of milliseconds on your store front. It is automatically, globally injected and no further setup is necessary from your side in your store front. You can use the newsletter pop-up to funnel more customers into your WhatsApp chat and connect the pop-up to an opt-in flow.

Step 1: Configure the pop-up

As a first step, you need to select your store front from the drop down. Next, select an opt-in from the drop-down.

Note that the opt-in drop-down has no functionality as of now. It will be used to connect Satellites directly to opt-ins in the future, but at the moment, you can choose any opt-in you like as it will have no affect.

Once this is done, the UI for configuring the pop-up will appear. Everything you configure on the left side, is automatically updated in realtime on the right, so you have an exact preview of what the pop-up looks like in your store front once saved.

Finally, you can generate the Whatsapp link that will take the customer directly into the chat after clicking on the CTA. Enter the phone number that is connected to Charles and a chat-in message that will be pre-filled in the customers WhatsApp.

Once you clicked save in the bottom right corner, the pop-up appears in your store front after the specified number of milliseconds.

Step 2: Connect an opt-in flow

You may want to use the pop-up to directly collect opt-ins from your users. To do so, you need to use the exact message that you defined in the link helper to be the trigger for the opt-in.

Watch the following video for more info on how to do it

Other popup types via custom development or third-party provider

In addition to welcome pop-ups, you might want to use scroll or exit-intent pop-ups. While these cannot be created directly within charles, you can still create the same experience for your users. This is done by using a WA.ME link to send users to your WhatsApp channel upon clicking the pop-up call-to-action button.


  1. Create your popup through custom development or via a third-party tool (e.g. Klaviyo)

  2. Create a WA.ME Link

  3. Create a signup flow for the trigger word from the WA.ME

  4. Add the link behind your pop-up call-to-action button

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