How to find the flow settings
Go to Journeys
Select your flow
Go to Settings > Feed:
Language & time zone
Adjust the default language and time zone of your flow.
To access the setting;
Go to Journeys
Select your flow or Create a new one
Go to Settings > Feed
Hide flow messages in feed
Toggling this on means the flow messages will be hidden in the Conversations feed (it’s on by default):
Disable out-of-office response for this flow
By default, flows are set to override the Out of Office message.
Of course, there are some flows that require the support of a live agent (like one that’s triaging support requests) you can set the OOO message to be sent, in which case the flow will stop and your agents can respond or manually restart the flow the next day via Conversations.
Stop flow when customer opts out
Now you can set a flow to stop automatically when a customer opts out. This is helpful for flows with a long pause (using a Wait node), like post-purchase flows, to stay GDPR-compliant.
By default, the setting is switched on for new and existing flows.
Coupon code
Add a Shopify, Shopware or WooCommerce discount code in the flow Settings:
and see the attributed revenue in Analytics < Discount codes revenue.
Please use a unique discount code per campaign and/or flow for correct attribution.